29.3.11: Playing in the park & observing ants

We went to the park. S on his own learnt to push and start the swing momentum by himself. He was mighty proud of himself.

The boys observed a large black ant bringing a dead body of another large black ant into a hole in the ground. They had earlier read the "The Bugs Life" book and seen some video clips of the movie online. In the book and movie, the ants lived underground. This was a similar situation. I grabbed the opportunity to show them the ant and it's "home". It was a learning experience for me as well. I had always thought that ants live in anthills and holes in the (my) wall.

E has improved in his balancing skills and has become more courageous in attempting to balance on these benches. He managed to walk on the beams (benches) and balance on his own, without holding my hands. 

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